Jumat, 06 April 2012

Islam and Cleanliness

Islam is a religion of cleanliness.

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said cleanliness is half of faith. Islam has instructed its followers to keep clean everyday. This aspect is clearly described in either Qur'an and Hadith. Below are some examples

1. Muslim should take Ablution (Wudhu) before praying (Sholat)

Muslim must pray 5 times a day. And Allah says in Qur'an "Believers when you prepare for prayer, wash faces and your hands to the elbows; rub your heads (with water) and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. If you are ritually impure, bathe your whole body (Qur'an 5:6). This verse gives the detail to muslim on how to perform ablution. The meaning of this ritual is, when you are ready to meet your God, you must be perfectly clean. It means also that Allah loves cleanliness and would like this to be a part of our daily life. Look, five times a day you perform ablution. Can you imagine how clean is it if you do that everyday? Subhanallah.

2. Muslim must bathe the whole body after intercourse, menstruation, and first forty days after childbirth

If Muslims want to pray, touch or read Qur'an after those three situations, they must bathe the whole body. The purpose of this is the same as performing ablution. If one wants to worship Him, he or she must worship with clean body and heart. The same with touching the book of Allah, Al Qur'an, we must be in the clean condition. Those conditions are categorized as janaba and taking a bath is necessary. Purity is a condition of a prayer to be regarded valid. 

3. Islam encourages one to wash his or her hands before and after meals

Muhammad SAW said: Food is blessed when one washes his hands before and after it (Tirmidhi). Before scientists found the bacteria and germs which are dangerous to human beings and encourage people to wash hands before meals, Islam had regulated it already. 

4. It is sunnah to keep our mouth and teeth clean

Islam emphasizes the importance of siwak or brushing teeth. When Muslims want to pray or read Qur'an, it is better if they brush the teeth. However, it is not mandatory. If it is difficult to do, it is not sinful to omit. The messenger of Islam said: Had I not found it difficult for my followers, I would have ordered them to cleanse their teeth before every prayer (Bukhari)

5. Muhammad SAW asks us to do circumcision, remove pubic hair and also pluck armpits hair, and clipping the nails

It is very possible that germs and filth breed in our body, such as in our private areas. Islam has taught us to prevent the incurring of disease by cleaning our private areas regularly. All those actions are scientifically proven. Such as how circumcision is scientifically proven to be best way to prevent cancer in men's genital area. And even, it is beneficial for a better intercourse. Removing pubic and armpits hair can also prevent someone's from irritation and infection cause by germs breeding in the hair. 

6. Keep your clothes clean

Islam does not like a person who looks mess. Muslims should keep his or her clothes clean. Allah orders it very clearly. "Keep your clothes clean (74:4). Muslims should look good whenever he or she sees the family, friends, in Eid day, and most importantly in prayer. Looking good does not mean to have new clothes, but clean clothes are necessary.

The cleanliness in Islam has the purpose to create Muslims who are healthy and strong. If everyone applies this in the daily life, it is hoped that they will be prevented from the dangerous disease. This is the way Allah protects us. Subhanallah.

"Truly, Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean" (2:222)

May Allah keep you well.

Salaam alaikum.

PS: Wait for my next post about ISLAM DIETARY AND HEALTHINESS. Still under construction. Insya Allah.

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