Sabtu, 06 September 2014

Are You Addicted to Music?

After two years, finally my music addiction is cured. I don't get any desire or excitement when listening to music anymore. Addicted to music, sound very natural to so many people, right? It's just something everyone does. But in Islam just because everyone does it, doesn't mean we can do it too. We, as muslims, are commanded to stay away from any musical instrument. Some ulamas still differ in this matter but the strongest opinion is that music is not allowed. Could you really imagine the companions of Rasulullah Salallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam woke up to music, or rode a camel while listening to music? No right? It's not something the salaf would do.

I used to be a music lover. I listened to all kind of music. I could memorize every lyric of top 40 singers. My favorite music bands were Green Day, Red Hot Chilli Pepper, The Script, Secondhand Serenade, and many more. I loved listening to the music in the morning, in the bus while going to the office, when going home from office, and at night before sleeping. There was no day without music, I must say. I loved to quote the lyrics I loved in facebook. It felt like an inspiration to me. My heart beat so fast and was so excited when I listened to my favorite song. I used to go to karaoke with my friends. It could be several times in a month. And I thought it was cool. I didn't realize it was an addiction.

Alhamdulillah Allah guided me.

I bumped into this video in Youtube.

And I started to cry sooo hard. It was like a wake up call. I couldn't imagine if I had to die while listening to music. People usually die in the state of their habit. What will happen if I die in a karaoke room, doing sin. I can't imagine myself being burnt in fire. At that time, the thought of it was just overwhelming.

Then, slowly I started to erase some of the songs in my laptop and mobile phone. The first step was to erase the songs with a lot of swearing. Then, I replaced my songs with nasheeds, with music, such as Maher Zain, and Sammy Yusuf. Gradually, I got rid all of them. No music at all and I started to listen Quran recitation. This step really helped me to cure my addiction completely.

I must admit that sometimes I am still tempted to listen to the music. So I'll just listen to it. But only few days later I get bored with it. And I realize that it's just not my habit anymore.

That tag line saying "You can't live without music". I am still alive without music, even a better life. Alhamdulillaah for Islam.