Selasa, 29 November 2016

I Love You Without Wax

Sincerity. Something that I am questioning over and over again from people. The truth is we can never know if people are sincere or not. We can't even measure up our own sincerity. Sometimes we too are not sincere with people. We befriend someone because we know we can get something from him or her. There are some agendas behind the meetings of everyone we know in this life. God makes us meet some people for a reason and purpose. And when the purpose is done, they will leave us. So, it's not fair actually to judge whether a person was sincere or not. Because truly we do not know and they do not know as well.

There is one quote I like from one K-Drama I recently watched. Everyone is connected in a special way, from one thread to another. There is a reason why people come and go. Relationship is a very precious thing. Being sincere is being who we are. When people come, we become ourselves. And when people go, it doesn't make us change into someone we're not as well. Confused, huh? I know right, it's too deep. Let's put it like this, People come and go in this life. So, let's just embrace them gracefully without ever thinking what intentions they have in mind. Because by focusing too much on people's intentions, we forget to appreciate who they really are. Sometimes, when they are gone from our life, we realize that their intention does not matter. But the way they have allocated some time for us, the way they have changed us, the way they made us smile is what counts. This is something I've been working on. To learn to enjoy the company of others, without judging what their intention is. To learn to trust and being vulnerable. To learn not to judge. I think that's the true meaning of sincerity.

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