Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

About Willpower

If there is one thing I should celebrate this year, is how I cope with my addictive personality. Oh no, I am not a drug addict or alcoholic like that. Addictive personality is several traits that enable a person in developing addictions. Addiction can be in many things, for example, food addiction, game addiction, shopping addiction, or even love addiction. The person having addictive personality usually has impulsive behavior. They sometimes act impulsively without considering the impact of their action. They will feel guilty afterwards. But they just can't help it. They're trapped in the cycle. This trait is also an indication that a person is lack of willpower and is unable to have commitments in goals and values. And as we know, addiction can create stress and depression.

Yes, after I learn more about myself, I am guilty of the above listed traits. I have several bad habits that I want to break free. And I have this love addiction. I used to question myself, why do I keep loving emotionally unavailable men? Now the answer is, because I am addicted to that sort of characters. The emotional unavailability triggers my curiosity and it makes me feel challenged. It is like a task I need to accomplish. When you think relationship is a task to accomplish, then you're doomed. I can see why it never worked out. 

This year I have made a commitment to break free from those people in my past. I don't want those emotionally unavailable people keep haunting my life. I now realize that they are not a perfect match for me, indeed. I don't blame them, but it is a lesson learned. I am committed not to contact them anymore, and I've done it. Yay!

There are also several bad habits that I need to get rid of. One of them is food addiction. Usually when I am stressful, I choose junk food as comfort food. But now I am trying to be a more mindful eater. I make a journal of what I've eaten in a day so I can see if I have failed to eat healthy or not. If I am failed then I'll just write it down. But I don't give up on it. I will continue my attempt the next day. This so far has been working greatly on me because I become more aware of what I eat and what I should avoid. I haven't seen the result yet. But I try not to think about the result but just enjoy the process.

Willpower is the key of every success. Someone who is lack of willpower will not be able to accomplish their goals. To have strong willpower we have to be able to implement delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation. People usually want instant gratification. For example, I have been working hard today, I will buy pizza for dinner. You do not care that it will ruin your diet and make you start all over again. If we practice delayed gratification, we believe that we're suffering now but we will get long term benefits, e.g. healthy body. Isn't it cool if we're able to practice this? It's indeed a hard work but it will pay off surely one day.

I might develop a new addiction, though..... work addiction -_____- 

Well I hope it's just because I've been busy.... :D

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